
Into The Abyss

Created by Mattes Lüdtke

Tabletop miniatures, perfectly suited for wargames, RPG´s, collecting and painting.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping update no. 7
over 3 years ago – Mon, Jul 05, 2021 at 06:01:56 PM


Good news for you! 

I worked the whole weekend on your orders with packing and addressing. 

Yesterday i sent another 60 packages to you around the world! 

I checked the list of all orders and i can say its almost done. 

Thank you all so much for your support and for your patience!!!

  • Here is another beautiful painted Abyssal Minotaur. 
Painted by Jakob Villien from Pink Label Studio

Shipping Update No.6
over 3 years ago – Sun, Jun 20, 2021 at 01:59:21 PM


A package with miniatures has arrived!

unfortunately it looks like some miniatures are still missing. 

I will count and sort them this weekend then i´ll start shipping all the miniatures i got next week. 

Kind regards 


Still waiting for the miniatures
almost 4 years ago – Sun, May 02, 2021 at 12:09:43 AM

Hello all, 

We still waiting for the miniatures. 

We keep hearing from our caster that he´ll send the miniatures soon. 

I wish i had better news for all of you who are still waiting for their pledges, but this is the current state of affairs. 

It´s just a big disappointment that it takes over a year and isn´t even finished yet.

I really wish i could rush it but there is nothing i can do, just make rush our caster himself... I´m so sorry for that!

For all of you who are still waiting. i´m try to find a way to make it up to you. 

Here you can see the latest messages (from yesterday and few days ago) with our caster because the missing minis.

I just hope the parcel is on the way next week that i can ship your miniatures and finally close the project Into The Abyss. 

I´ll post the next update when the miniatures arrive.

Again. I am just sorry for the delay.

Kind regards 


Shipping Update no.5
about 4 years ago – Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 04:10:29 PM

Hey Folks,

We are so happy to bring some good news for you.


All the Minotaurs arrived today! 

We checked all casts for completeness and quality.

They look very good, so nothing to complain about.

Painted by Kane

We will start packaging today and start shipping the “All In“ Parcels and of course the single minos tomorrow.

We hope they arrive soon to you! We can‘t wait for your painted Minis!!!


We created a new Instagram Account a few weeks ago (mattes._miniatures)

Please have a look, follow for news and feel free to share your Into The Abyss miniatures with #mattesminiatures and #ksintotheabyss on social media.

Whether built minis, painted minis or just a pic of the raw resin mini in any progress. We are so excited and really look forward to every single post 🙂

Have a nice day and stay sane.

Kind regards 


Shipping update No.4
about 4 years ago – Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 03:25:08 PM

Hello guys, 

We hope you are all well.


Today we sent almost half of all miniatures that we had in stock.  (that means: the half of all Abyssal Warriors, shard maidens, the border patrols and old wizards)

many of that parcels were shipped to USA, Germany and UK.

 A few  others to Sweden, Spain, Austria, Australia, Denmark, Netherlands etc...

We chose the addresses at random.

We are so happy we started shipping today! Finally!!

Thank you all so much guys!

And another big thank you to all who supported us with shipping costs!

In the next couple of days we´ll send the other half of the miniatures.

We hope for a quick delivery.


The Package with all the Abyssal Minotaur´s should reach us in the next couple of days.

Then we also start shipping the All In pledges!

Stay healthy 

kind regards


Hallo Leute,
Wir hoffen, es geht euch allen gut.

Heute haben wir fast die Hälfte aller Miniaturen verschickt, die wir auf Lager hatten. (das heißt: die Hälfte aller Abyssal Warriors, Shard Maidens, The Border Patrols and Old Wizards)
Viele dieser Pakete wurden nach USA, Deutschland und Großbritannien verschickt.
Einige andere nach Schweden, Spanien, Österreich, Australien, Dänemark, Niederlande usw.
Wir haben die Adressen zufällig ausgewählt.
Wir sind so froh, dass wir heute mit dem Versand begonnen haben! Endlich!!

Vielen Dank an euch alle!
Und noch ein großes Dankeschön an alle, die uns bei den Versandkosten unterstützt haben!
In den nächsten Tagen werden wir die andere Hälfte der Miniaturen verschicken.

Lasst uns auf eine schnelle und unkomplizierte Lieferung hoffen.

Das Paket mit allen Abyssal Minotaurs sollte uns in den nächsten Tagen erreichen.
Dann versenden wir auch die All-In pledges!

Bleib gesund
mit freundlichen Grüßen
